For a while there I was wondering if he was a narcissist, player or just using me. Then, this guy comes up to me and asks if I was new there. We havent been intimate in almost 2 years and when I asked him he says hes not turned on ? He still did not make much of an effort as far as even coming to visit me. Im confused by this guy I had been seeing before coronavirus lockdown. I got back with my ex after months. This helps me to decide that I cant wear rose colored glasses with my current relationship .thanks for helping me see what I have to remove from my life . The Best Way To Get His Attention Is To Stop Giving Him Yours By Ossiana Tepfenhart Written on Jun 16, 2020 Photo: getty One of my exes was notorious for his From what i have learned about him, I know he is someone who does not really know what dating is. We would always say I like you instead of I love you. I recently said I needed a romantic date, and other things kept coming up. If your self-image is shattered because your boyfriend stopped making an effort, then youre expecting too much from him. He tries to make me think Im crazy when I talk him about it. My boyfriend of 7 years had lost interest over the past year, not wanting to see or spend time with me, 3 months now I havent seen him once. we are a college couple of 2.5 years now. I asked him to spend Memorial Day with me shocker he forgot and made other plans. Its sad. So accept that it will be hard, cry about it for a week or two and try to move on with your life and realize that you deserved so much better then that pos. We are doing thanksgiving together. He ignores you. I didnt get to ask him for his number or anything so I only had his name. Not just that, sexually as well. And think about the other person not just about yourself. When we are together he is so sweet and wonderful. I cant let go of people. Just torn and dont know what to do. What do I do? That same night, he stopped replying and was offline cause they had some family time and it seems his granny got ahold of all the electrical gadgets to make them sleep early.He told me the next day and we did catch up.I thought we were going back on track until he,again,stopped replying at some point. I am struggling with my current relationship, I love him, but I have the thoughts of him being a narcissist, player or using meThanks. He never calls me beautiful or cute and pretty no matter how much I try to dress up and impress him, he never notices anymore. ? Like WTF is your goal, here, exactly? Either way I have decided to just sit back and live my life. And he certainly isnt going to change without a real reason, e.g., losing someone he cares about. When ALL grocery stores near us are closed saying I dont feel like cooking tonight, we dont have all the ingredients so I say ok why is it that you didnt notice this when you got home from work when stores were open? Literally same. If you really love him and see potential in the relationship then give it a try. He I have 2 kids and he has 1(im 22 hes turning 23). Apologize when wrong Be honest. If I were you Id take a break and keep your heart open for a new partner who is more compatible with you and whos needs match with yours, at least whos match a bit more than he does. The last 3 sentences are what I just told myself & did! When I got back from fall breakEverything changed../me him and his sister made a plan for when i graduated, i was gonna move in with him and his sister and go to college around there but that changed to him getting an apartment and a moped and me moving in with him and going to college. Try to be better. That same night, we agreed to date. Leaving a person you love is one of the hardest things to do. With his work schedule he doesnt make any effort. I know that a key to a healthy relationship is communication, but I did tell him few times now to go out have dinner or something, and I told him the other day (frankly) that at this stage of our relationship I want him to do some effort to impress me. And what if something bad happened to him which I hope not at least I know who to contact. I feel so let down all the time when I really am not asking for much. Hi Angela, Well Im no expert with relationships. Also, find some time to do something that you enjoy. I discussed all these issues with him 2 days before. If you havent been dating long or if your relationship is less than a year old you may not know your boyfriend well enough to determine why he stopped making an effort. He was not able to go back to school again because his government decided that no one will graduate this year. If they are willing- great! No calling. i yearn for good morning texts or check ins throughout the day. I dont know what to do. Thank you for what you said because not only do I relate to the emotional and psychological effects, I relate to the not wanting your house to look or smell like a GARBAGE CAN!!!! Then, youll have the wisdom and guidance you need. This past week, I got strep throat and was miserable, so I didnt do anything, and since I got antibiotics, Ive been feeling better, but Im debating on doing anything to show him how much I do and how little he does. But he say he is not in happy After this all, at some point he started to chnge himself. Take matters into your own who you need for yourself, Love you and your son enough to care for your own needs. He just recently finally started being productive at home again, picking up where he left off over a year ago on unfinished started projects. Am so confused I dont rilly know what to do . When I first met him I didnt think I needed a relationship but now especially in this lockdown I feel a little empty and alone. He pays alawys though i offer to pay but he refuses. Im 47, and he is 57 now, and we have been together for 10 years now and have lived together for 8 years. I love my boyfriend very much but he is so difficult to understand in the morning you will text with much love and in the evening he will tell you I dont know how to love, you deserve someone better who can give you money among others . On the other hand, if your man is more independent and hes not used My birthday weekend was really rough. hed text at 11-1am for me, but by then i would have fallen asleep. There are sometimes I try to talk to him about my day, and he is listening but he doesnt engage or seem interested. Which really confuses me. Hi, I really need help/advice Me and my boyfriend have been together for 9months and we really do love each other but a couple weeks ago we just didnt talk as much or communicate in person & I asked him if he wants this relationship and he said hes lost feelings for me (but he doesnt know and his heads abit lost) and it doesnt feel like were together anymore because the conversation is dead. I want him to want to make things better instead of just making decisions that arent beneficial to the relationship or are just downright harmful to the relationship. Just stay silent. He used to do all these romantic things for me before we went long distance. Here, youll find several questions and tips to help you evaluate your relationship and make a good decision about your boyfriend. As well BALANCE is a VERY hard thing for men I have learned. My boyfriend and I both 21 have been dating for almost 3 years and for almost 2 years he has been serving the military back home with only weekends to spare and while I am in Canada studying for almost a year. He says it just happened because we live in the same house, so it doesnt matter. Now its almost been two weeks since weve seen each other. Please tell me whatbi should do. He started texting her about how a great time they had and flirting with her. And then the other half of me cant help but feel like perhaps he just doesnt want to go on a date with me at all and thats why he never made an effort. This person flakes when we have plans even after I said that Im not here for that. Hi, Your post really reflects on me. He drinks constantly. He also uses really unfair arguments when fighting, like things I never mentioned or meant. He said he wants to make this relationship work but he cant even communicate which is important. he said hell give me more time but nothing ever changes. Stop yourself from bombarding him with messages. I dont want to lose him,i made a mistake and have learnt to trust him now! First I asked him if we could level up our relationship through meeting his and my family. I sometimes think my expectations are too high. They just seems like some eords. you are still young and you should take this time to learn about yourself and then find the right man that will want a future with you. I told him about how I felt scared I looked too nerdy in my full protection hear and helmet and everyone else wasnt wearing any. His was 9 years ago but he is still very bitter. He got a job and now works from right after school until 8:30, six days a week. Please give me some advice pleaaaase. Instead of being apologetic or understanding how disappointed I was, naturally he got mad because Im never happy and hes tired of just being here for when I want something so as you can imagine its now Sat night and it never happened because now hes mad at me for demanding things and pouting when I dont get my way. We usually see each other every weekend but he normally works 6 days a week, 10 hours a day so we actually spend less than 24 hours a week with each other. I used to blame myself but I took DBT and have actually tried employing the skills I learned. I asked him where he skated since his bio mentioned he skated and then he said he knew me!! I have 2 dogs who give me so much love and fulfillment. we were back in the honeymoon stage for a few months and then he slowly started resenting me. (Probably why she fell in love with another man) now its like he is determined for me to not become selfish. Yep. If, say, youre a non-stop talker, you frequently talk over your partner, tend to interrupt, and just aren't a good listener, they'll stop sharing their innermost thoughts and feelings because they don't feel "heard." But hes not very ambitious and is a homebody which Im sure comes from pot smoking, makes u lazy. I saw him once more and he taught me my first trick. This leaves us hanging on in hopes they will be that guy again. And I told him we can figure it out together after 1/2 weeks I asked him again and go if you dont want to be with me just say it and he said he doesnt want to be a di**head and I said fine and I tried ending it because the way I was getting replies I felt as if he didnt want this no more. on the same note, say for example he does or says something that hurts my feelings or upsets me a great deal, not only does he refuse to apologize, but he doesnt make any attempt to correct the situation. ! And then what we talked about was not set in stone and that things change. Adeli, I was in a long distance relationship for 1 year, so I understand. After this last incident, something broke inside of me and I said no more. m tired n dont know what to do anymore! due to time zones, im three hours ahead of him. He has said that he would maybe consider living together in five years. Okay it became a longer answer than I expected! For example, he never said that he was looking forward to seeing me when he made plans to hang out, so I stopped doing that. Everything now has become a tit-for-tat pissing match competition for control and autonomy. he may also feel that you do not put enough energy into him. I think I should take a relationship break but dont want to lose him. One particularly painful reason that a partner has checked out could be that they've lost interest in the relationship and don't wish to pursue it any longer. I try to help him to make it easier for him since I know he has a lot on his plate but he doesnt seem to notice that. Theres a reason why the Geneva Convention bans sleep deprivation as torture What you need to do is make time to get a little bit of rest (and youll actually find that you will become more productive with a little rest too and not have to spend so much time lacking sleep). He was very affectionate and gentle towards me and would make it a point to call me every day, the first maybe 2-3 months of our relationship. I bought him a journal for prompting thoughts of positivity and gratitude, He acted appreciative and was OK to do the morning and evening prompts. Someone needs to get off if it cant be discussed and decisions made together to improve what doesnt work for one or the other. No romantic dates (I know a walk in a park can be romantic but not when thats all you ever do together), no random little surprises from his side, no dinners etc.

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