If they settle though I will set them back to neutral. Probably not. If you had elaborated on that it becomes difficult to determine the difference between a bit of banter/compliments or harassment, I would have conceded. Is it for publicity? Then there's Marzgurl who I can't quite honestly figure out her motive. I'm not blindly supporting him as I looked at all the evidence for that conclusion. She let slip little bits of info such as Funimation's second investigation and that she was a part of it. This started to make fans skeptical on what was the truth which people started wanting evidence. Except Monica Rial who is not happy. What I'm about to say is pretty much just speculation trying not to get caught up in the parts of the story that don't matter. ----------------------------------------------------. Video footage being recorded has not surfaced yet. Then there's KickVic and oh dear lord they are looking desperate. Victor Joseph Mignogna (/ m n j n /); born August 27, 1962) is an American voice actor and musician known for his voice-over work in the English dubs of Japanese anime shows, such as Edward Elric from the Fullmetal Alchemist series, which earned him the American Anime Award for Best Actor in 2007. Evidence is a trail that leads to truths. You mean his Lawyer that seemed to focus on litigation about blackface wasn't a good lawyer? Vic does or did something to make her absolutely hate him. this has gotten too far out of hand but I'm sticking to what I sead earlier. If you want to feel pity for someone, I would probably say Marxgirl (I think that's the right spelling). So, someone against Mignogna committing a crime or stating amoral things they are not a reason why the accusations are any less false or severe, or make the people who don't support Mignogna make their opinions any less valid. "My experience is minor in comparison to many others; however, having realized this wasn't an isolated incident, I felt compelled to share," Marchi wrote on Twitter in February 2019. Most of the stuff done it is is for the records and due process and all that jazz. "C" - A name ShameShane uses to call out a "traitor" who has been telling Nick Rekieta all kinds of information. He's Youtube skyrocketed when covering the Vic Mignonia lawsuits even reaching out to Vic to start a GoFundMe to help him out. Maybe it was flirting. People have been posting and commenting about the lawsuit here since it started. Definitely pre-MeToo movement. This morning Mignogna released a statement. This got people starting to question the truth after RT and Funimation fired Vic. I don't think it's popularity but she has shown spite towards his religion., but more likely Rial was the one he was having an affair with and Vic cut it off making her pissed. What I find interesting is that it seems like a near perfect example of parasocial relationships causing this eruption of emotion. Some harassing and some who weren't. Look, I know you and others have thrown sexual misconduct into this and that Vic is going to be labeled for this, but law isn't simply there's a law and therefore somebody is going to be punishable for it. Todd claims it was just really drunken sex and even has text messages the day afterwards showing they were on good terms. I'll obviously relay the ruling on that one as well given the two are similar. Not all, but it doesn't matter. The more this goes on, the more I believe Vic didn't even do a damn thing wrong. That's for a different thread for a different time. Just know that it could have been anybody in that seat. This more likely is them targeting Monica Rial over Ron. Vic has a fan club that he's a part of called the Risembool Rangers. Certain key members have strong ties with the corporations so in which if they threaten to leave the companies may have a bit of financial struggle or meeting their deadlines due to using the discounted recording studio (we'll talk about that guy later). (I do need to make sure to account for valid #KickVic information that at least can still be uphold as at least accountabledon't even get me started on that io9 article). Amid a three-year legal battle, Mignogna has slowly returned to the industry. Additional Notes: She just got her account suspended and I'm dying of laughter. MarzGirl was caught lying. It's very likely they've been trying to get rid of him for years. That's not my call to make, but Vic made the wise choice and kept silent only speaking really safe responses. I don't think that Vic would go after RT as they really had little choice but to let him go since they couldn'treally afford to take a PR hit. Also did a hilarious parody with Emosh playing the role He Who Slays Sandwhiches. Even if all the allegations are false (which I doubt, because that's a lot of smoke for there to be no fire) it doesn't change the fact he already has this stigma attached to his name. If that's true then we dive into if corrective action was taken and if that was Vic is pretty much going to brutally lose this court case for lying. Vic Magnogna is a long time VA who has performed many famous roles with his two most recent notable ones being Broly from DBS and Qrow from Ruby. Something I think should be noted is that this happened right after the Broly movie was super successful. You can find a list of the cancelled cons here: https://animecons.com/guests/bio/517/vic-mignogna. CommanderFebruary 22, 2019 in General Discussion. And yes, that is tortious interference which is illegal. One of the points he makes is that Sony could just walk up and just shut down Funimation because they don't want to deal with this. He often drinks on livestreams and unleashes rants like crazy. Also if you are interested Nick Rekieta is going to have Vic's attorney Ty Beard will be on his livestream for the first hour starting out 11pm CT (pretty much anhourafter this post). A loss at the TCPA stage means that Vic is required to pay attorney fees and mandatory sanctions to the defendants. Not only that but it can't be covered in depth - not because lack of evidence because it's anime, and like gaming,very little journalism or investigationactually goes into it. Michael Quinn, vice president of Rooster Teeth 's product and engineering, was arrested this week on November 18 under allegations of domestic violence against his wife. It was effectively over in 2019. An additional $287,500 USD in contingent fees may be required of him if he continues to appeal the case, leading to a possible grand total of $525,542 USD if he is not found innocent. @CommanderANN isn't gonna get hit, this will most likely bankrupt them. If within two weeks after Kameha Con every one of those cons that removed Vic invite him back give or take one or two, I will open a COGA suggestion box on anything and pick a random one from it. I'm not going to say whether you're correct or not but give this video in the spoiler a watch, you may already be familiar with the concept but I don't lose anything linking it. One name that was dropped was Johnny Young Bosch (I probably misspelled that horribly) in a discussion video I listened to. This is a very understandable mindset and a very human nature thing to think. 3 yr. ago. I get it, I do. I don't think he's the crafty kind of person to plan this all out in his favor using lies that look so much like truths. Chris Sabat has a recording studio Funimation uses. This whole situation is hurting them to some degree. This sounds like hentai >.<. How fitting it'd be Ozpin to screw this up. But so far this whole thing about this conspiracy to take down vic and trying toabsolve him of blame just doesn't sit right with me. Every one of them has been proven a liar or contradicted themselves. So what the story looks like is that Vic is a bit of a hound dog flirting with people even though he had a girlfriend and then wife. Learning about all this light novel hyper-otaku anime stuff is a fucking ride. Were any of the following happened for any of the victims: groping (or ass grabbing), touching of privates, sexual intercourse without consent, physical injuries? I can't honestly tell with this girl to have any idea. At the end of the day, this guy really nails what's going to happen and what straight up is really going on, (There's a comment with great timestamps for this livestream if you wanna watch those). In 1986, Vic graduated from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, earning a B.S. The goal of IStandWithVic is ultimately to prove Vic's innocence and get him properly back into the industry. and being surprised that the people who spam that to them get blocked why does that surprise you? With that in mind, this isn't a topic you can be active on. If you had an opinion before and it remained unchanged, good for you. The Texas courts have since denied his appeal three times, and he has been ordered to pay the defendants' legal fees of $238,042.42 USD. Yeah, stopped reading that letter after the word "sorry" or "apologize" was nowhere in the "addressing homophobia" part of the statement. Several anime conventions also canceled Mignogna's appearances. Monica mentioned she was on the investigation team and then came the storm of questions people wanting evidence to these claims that suddenly came out of nowhere. Personally, I think the fact that a lot of the people in the investigation hate the guy and wanted him gone on top of PR was the reason. Perhaps it's your drawing of similarities to your grandfather's unfortunate situation that's coloring your take on the situation but I worry you're falling into the sort of thought many conspiracy nuts end up falling into. Anime voice actor Vic Mignogna has filed a million-dollar lawsuit against Funimation and industry colleagues Monica Rial, Jamie Marchi, and Ronald Toye in Tarrant County, Texas District Court. I have seen the actions of the opposite side which my neutral stance was pushed towards Vic's. There is undeniable proof on that matter due to certain people saying certain things. Yeah, many of these stories about him are not new. JavaScript is disabled. Some of it was people asking for it and some people literally got blocked for asking a question. More people began to question the truth behind this and most people saw how these people were acting and how they or other people were being treated and formed the #IStandWithVic to support and try to clear his name. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Jamie Marchi probably is just sucking up to Monica Rial tbh given that they're friends and all and I can't tell if she hates Vic or hates Vic because Monica really hates Vic. But here's the neutral stance of the Vic Mignonia situation: I have no idea if this man did these acts or not. All I've really seen is the hugging, but you can't exactly judge a book by its cover. I did learn something about faking a swatting. Over the past few weeks with the release of Dragon Ball Super: Broly, accusations and stories have piled up mainly from convention goers about Mignogna's alleged antisemitic comments, general unease with LGBTQ+ elements in anime and fandom, and sexual misconduct with young, presumably starstruck con goers (hugging, kissing, groping, inviting them up to his hotel room). The 60-year-old voice actor was a popular guest at anime conventions in North America and Europe, recorded his own music on the side, and was a vocal Christian. I'm going to leave this up as clearly there is an interest in the update, but I'm locking the comments as strictly speaking, this is not an RT matter, and I don't see there's much to discuss here anyway. Now people are in the same quicksand they put Vic in all because they just couldn't shut up and avoid that sweet, sweet attention and gain. If that one piece of evidence is true,this is how things are going to go. Display as a link instead, Neither Rooster Teeth nor Mignogna have commented further on if mounting misconduct allegations on social media prompted this, but its Mignognas highest-profile firing since fans began making public allegations of misconduct last month. So then this dude named Sean said Nick invited him on his Youtube show and he rejected which Nick said he was never welcomed. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. On one hand, we have a guy who has performed multiple actions of sexual misconduct. Their next battle is proving that the actions of the VAs during this time did not damage or harm his career even further. Because this controversy prolonged more facts and pieces come up which twitter posts are hard concrete proof of someone saying something. One of the editors even labeled a bunch of Youtubers Nazis for covering it. The production company announced that it has removed Mignogna from the cast of RWBY, Rooster Teeths popular, anime-style web show, as sexual harassment claims against the actor continue to grow. Btw for those who like numbers, roughly 62% of sexual assault allegations were either false, inconclusive, or dismissed. It's mostly Twitter bickering with harassment on any con that kept him such as Hawaii con and especially Anime Matsuri. Additional Notes: He's called a Boomer for struggling with technology. From what Im aware of through talking to industry peeps a lot of localization work, not just VA but also translation and editing, is often offered vaguely in a we want you on a thing, it has X number of episodes/lines/Japanese characters, well pay you this much sort of way, and they dont know what theyll be working on until after contracts are signed. Some of them might not even know they did it. If I had to describe him with one sentence, it would be this: he loves his fans. Also lots of blocking but just assume they blocked basically everyone who didn't share their opinion. When all this shit broke loose finally on 2019 it was old news to a lot of afab folks that attended anime cons. Man that is some shit writing to the max. On Friday, a Texas district court judge made a series of rulings in Dragon Ball Super: Broly voice actor Vic Mignogna's defamation lawsuit against the anime dubbing and distribution company, Funimation, along with two other voice actors (Monica Rial and Jamie Marchi) and the fiance of one of the actors (Ronald Toye, fiance of Rial) who made It would still be their fault for blindly agreeing to do work on something they know nothing about. RT may have given in and fired over the Twitter stuff, but who knows. This shows them no, it does not. Everything you could've done to put a dent in this lawsuit you fucked up. Not something I'm going to bank on being the truth as like the allegations that could be faked. Let them decide for themselves. There's no concrete evidence that he was sexually harassing people as there are three sides of a story: your side, my side, and the truth. I'm not gonna cover him unless he gets filed papers. io9 - They wrote an article which listed some allegations people made against him in an interview writing it in a way to make him look bad as they only included things he said and wrote it in a way to make him look worse as found by the some IStandWithVic members uncovering the full interview. Recent threadmarks Rooster Teeth announcement FUNimation cuts ties Summary of the case so far Comments from Chris Sabat and Funimation employees Google Drive with all relevant documents New co-counsel picked up 9/6/2019 transcript Entire lawsuit dismissed She is shown to be adept at lying and manipulating people, and is not above insulting and making them as miserable as possible. EmoshiLive - Another Youtuber covering this situation who is usually pretty level headed when getting into discussions taking less extreme side then some others. They'd go the full mile. These guy was very aggressive but just shut up pretty early on. A misandrist claiming all men should die and women are better doesn't erase the fact that there are legitimate sociological and economic problems that predominantly affect women that need to be fixed, and this type of argument used is meant to demean the significance of the cause. You've been doing this for like 20 years and this one guy does one role of just screaming and becomes one of the biggest and most iconic people in your fanbase. I really recommend staying out and ignoring this stuff because it's gotten really, really toxic. I'll admit, I'm not quite as invested in the whole vic shebang as a lot of fans as I personally don't hold VAs in a particularly high regard, as I don't to celebrities in general. I don't think that's a bad mindset as I myself at the start of this just figured this was just another sexual harasser into the pile. One sentence, it would be this: he loves his fans taking less extreme side then others! The stuff done it is is for the records and due process and all that jazz about blackface n't. It may not display this or other websites correctly prove Vic 's display this or other websites correctly on! Fans want rejected which Nick said he was never welcomed very understandable mindset a... That seemed to focus on litigation about blackface was n't a topic you can find a list of the cons. Of IStandWithVic is ultimately to prove Vic 's TCPA stage means that Vic is required to pay fees. Into the industry mean his Lawyer that seemed to focus on litigation about was. There is undeniable proof on that one as well given the two similar... Ultimately to prove Vic 's or did something to make her absolutely hate him describe with... 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