In the case of Squad 11, however, their Lieutenant was, for the longest time, a deceptively powerful little girl. Bazz-B Shaz Domino And the people who might have noticed something was amiss either didn't care (i speculate that Mayuri might have known but didn't care to say a thing), would gain nothing out of saying it (Aizen) or weren't available to notice (Urahara, Zero Squad dude). Still, Kubo has not confirmed any of the theories so far so it is impossible to know. The very last page of Bleach #668 gives a few clues. By ads_kenne. The most convincing evidence showing that Yachiru is not Nozarashi, however, is that before her disappearance Yachiru unveiled her own, unique Zanpakuto while battling the Quincy Guenael Lee. Kenpachi discovered Yachiru Kusajishi as a little baby, toddling around piles of corpses without a hint of uneasiness. Yachiru's Zanpakuto, Sanpo Kenju, has entirely different abilities from Nozarashi. [16] While searching for Ichigo, the enlarged group is confronted by 9th Division Captain Kaname Tsen and 7th Division Captain Sajin Komamura, as well as their respective Lieutenants Shhei Hisagi and Tetsuzaemon Iba. From this, she deduced that Orihime was a Ryoka. The only time we do get a hint from Yachiru herself, is at their first meeting, when Kenpachi asks her where she came from, and she promptly touches the sword in front of him. But a Certain Goddess. Does Kenpachi release his sword? Royd Lloyd [35], Auto-Reflexes: Yachiru can instinctively attack on reflex without having to judge or react; as such, she will attack anyone she thinks is the enemy, regardless of whether or not she knows they are the enemy. Zonzain Kenpachi and Coyote Starrk are similar as they have their souls/powers split resulting in Yachiru and Lilynette. [14], Sometime later, Yachiru finds Makiz Aramaki carrying an unconscious Orihime Inoue, whom he declares he had been bringing to her. Later, when Kenpachi had defeated Retsu Unohana in battle and unleashed his real might, he had, at last, heard the voice of his sword. Master Swordsman: Due to the lawlessness of the Zaraki district, Kenpachi's skill with his sword has been honed to a masterful level, letting him strike multiple times with changes of attack type (from slash to pierce) without any difficulty. The Soul Society, before Kenpachi discovered its identity, thought that Nozarashi constantly remained in its released state due to Zarakis enormous spiritual power, mostly because of the swords intricate design. I know it Sounds weird, but when you think about it, your Zanpaktou is supposed to be a reflection of you. Yachiru, like Zaraki Kenpachi, has a terrible sense of orientation, although in the same way he allows himself to be guided by her. During this time, Kenpachi became incredibly . Effect: Makes all female mortals and gods to be attracted to the host permanently. But then a mystical being of po. I'm actually thinking Yachiru was the personification of what Unohana meant to Zaraki in the form of soul. It is, at this moment, impossible to tell whether Yachiru Kusajishi was actually Kenpachis Zanpakut Spirit (Nozarashi) the whole time or a wholly separate character. Claimants include: Ryohgo Narita's novels, Bleach: Spirits Are Forever With You, feature a number of original characters, which include two former Kenpachi, and made mention of a third: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Kgo Ginj Lumina & Verona That is, a rule, and also an unavoidable destiny. Nirgge Parduoc She was a physical manifestation of Stark's Weapon, and even had her own sword. For the Kusajishi District, see Kusajishi. Yachiru Kusajishi is the Lieutenant of the 11th Division of the Gotei 13 under Captain Kenpachi Zaraki. After the battle is over, she appears to have disappeared, leaving behind her shinigami uniform and Lieutenants badge. While these events don't occur in the manga, it does show that there is precedent at least somewhere in the Bleach universe for such a thing occurring. Zaraki disagrees and laughs at her attempts to justify not winning, which Yachiru responds to by slapping him. @Ryan and explaining her as his Zanpaktou spirit doesn't explain why she would suddenly be gone. Unfortunately, due to his horrible attitude and because both she and the other 4th division members can't stand with it, she fired him and make Isane Kotetsu as his perfect successor. Edrad Liones Yammy Llargo [1] It is an ironclad rule that there can be only one Kenpachi per generation, meaning that the predecessor must die for the killer to succeed the title. I cant wait to see what his zanpakuto's manifestation is, i cant even concieve of it this will be challenge for kubo to not disappoint after this insane hype. Senbonzakura Fans thought Kenpachi had nowhere else to go, seeing how he doesn't even know his zanpakuto's name, but the young warrior is full of surprises. However, no bubbles appear. Gin Ichimaru His huge frame hovered above her as her face had turned to a beautiful shade of crimson red. Yachiru Kusajishi is the Lieutenant of the 11th Division in the Gotei 13, under Captain Kenpachi Zaraki, as well as the President of the Shinigami Women's Association. Without a home, a family, or even a name, the boy that would be known as Kenpachi Zaraki was a soul living alone in the worst, most lawless region of Rukongai. Zarakis power to slash has also improved, enabling him to pierce through the bodies of his adversaries and even space itself. [30] Seeing him, Yachiru notes Zaraki's arrival. She would not have survived if Kenpachi hadnt found her and taken her. Her Zanpakut's scabbard is also unusual in that it has a pair of wheels for transport, which were installed by Ikkaku Madarame, after she continually pestered him to do it.[45]. Most people in Soul Society didnt know enough about Zanpakutos to know Yachiru wasn't a soul reaper, and the ones that did know enough either weren't in a position to examine here (The Royal Guard member who created Zanpakutos who was chilling in the Soul Kings realm, maybe Kisuke, who was banished before Zaraki became Kenpachi). She stores her "treasures" in her hideout on the Kuchiki grounds. However, the central 46 doesn't agree with Kyoraku's decision, so Kyoraku then calls forth CaptainRetsu Unohanastating that he will leave Zaraki to her as she is the 1st Kenpachi. Choe Neng Poww Captain of the 11th division, Kenpachi is someone who has a profound respect for strength and perseverance. Mue Mue Maki Ichinose Menoly Mallia She then lifts Zaraki onto her back and jumps up onto the top of a building and calls for Retsu Unohana to heal Zaraki. Riyan Orihime uses her Santen Kesshun to shield her. Cien Granz Just like her successor and most of shinigami in the eleventh division, Unohana enjoys fighting and killing her opponent. His adoptive daughter is Yachiru Kusajishi. Yachiru's being Nozarashi does make a bit of sense when taking into account her origins. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, Was Yachiru real or just Zaraki's spirit? She had a lot of names for both Yachiru and Zaraki. The Greatest Romance Anime Of All Time (February 2023). Acceleration without force in rotational motion? Yachiru has occasionally dressed up in a cat costume and caught the koi in Byakuya's pond and released them in Jshir Ukitake's pond. When Captain Kyoraku reveals her true identity, Unohana reverts to her very dark true persona. Robert Accutrone Baraggan Louisenbairn He again moves to attack, but this time a large wound appears suddenly on his shoulder. The level of Kenpachi's power is amazing and it has a lot to do with his blade. Tesra Lindocruz She finally admits his strength for the last time with a warm smile before passing on. This is also all also explained if you instead say Yachiru is his Zanpaktou spirit. (formerly)Doing her Ikebana club(formerly).Patrolling for those who would bully her squad.(formerly). Haineko She met Kenpachi Zaraki when she was a toddler, he had killed dozens of men when she approached him without fear. Later, Genrysai Shigekuni Yamamoto comes to seek her to be one of the co-founders of Gotei 13 and become one of the 1st generations of 11th division captain, who known as "The 1st Kenpachi". it might be pretty fucking hard for zaraki to get bankai considering how insanely overpowered his zanpakuto's spirit is likely to be, i still dont believe kenpachi is going to change his way and rely on the help of his sword..that would just seem wrong. Kenpachi (, Sword-Eight) is the title that is only given to the strongest Shinigami. Collectively, all three beasts are Zaraki's power. Aaroniero Arruruerie After his term was over, he stepped down in order for the next "Kenpachi" to take his place. A manifested Zanpakut Spirit is nothing unusual, even if we disregard the anime-only arc, and these tend to take on different shapes and sizes; just remember Renjis and Ichigos Zanpakut Spirits. The most violent of all the combatants in Soul Society and in Bleach, probably is Zaraki Kenpachi of the 11th Division. Lille Barro When faced off against Guenael Lee, she executed some swift punches, stopped by the Quincy's "Vanishing Point".[38]. Yylfordt Granz After Yachiru was attacked by Gremmy Thoumeaux, Kenpachi arrives and begins a fight against the Sternritter. A one-stop shop for all things video games. At that moment, however, Kenpachi appears, who opposes Gremmy in battle. Betrayed by his team, Naruto is near death during the wave mission. Ssuke Aizen isn't his back story something about that he, himself, doesn't even know his true name? It also wouldnt account for Nozarashi and Yachiru looking exactly the same. Ichigo, Ganju and Hanatar climb the great staircase of the Senzaikyu--the White Tower--only to sense an unprecedented amount of reiatsu. It would most likely because that she is a Zanpakuto who had split herself and physically manifested as a spirit. The timing of Yachiru's disappearance and seeming reappearance also plays very well into the theory that she was Nozarashi the entire time, having dispensed with the need for a separate body as Kenpachi grew more in sync with his Zanpakuto. After coming across the dead body of a Soul Reaper, Kenpachi stole his Zanpakuto and imprinted on it, making it his own. Yachiru's appearance is that of a very small, young girl with pink hair, dark pink eyes and a perpetual blush on her cheeks. Ggio Vega Is Kenpachi Dead or Alive in Bleach? [9] After the pair unintentionally arrive at the 4th Division's compound, they visit Ikkaku Madarame, who, while recovering from injuries acquired from fighting Ichigo Kurosaki, was being interrogated by 12th Division captain, Mayuri Kurotsuchi. There is only one Kenpachi every era. Kenpachi's Bankai. Yachiru Kusajishi is a fictional character from the Japanese anime television series Bleach. Cang Du Originally known as Yachiru Unohana, the title Kenpachi was first held by her; a term given to the strongest fighter of a generation who has killed the most enemies. Kenpachi Zaraki is the powerful Captain of Squad 11, renowned for his bloodlust and jagged-edge sword. It only takes a minute to sign up. Kubo wouldnt really leave such a plot hole in the story, so we think he just enjoys fans debating and doesnt want to reveal the answer, but the answer is almost certainly there. That's the extent of how we see him actually use his shikai after being able to release it. The Quincy uses his ability multiple times and disappears from the consciousness of his two opponents, but Yachiru still manages to attack him out of sheer instinct. Nirgge Parduoc At the end of the day, it's currently impossible to say whether Yachiru actually was Nozarashi, as there are convincing arguments both for and against this theory. [3] He swallowed his pride and defeated Nnoitora Gilga with kendo, or two-handed sword techniques, which showed growth as a warrior and a character. Is there a way to only permit open-source mods for my video game to stop plagiarism or at least enforce proper attribution? After her fight with the young boy, she left the 11th division and become a 4th division captain under the new identity "Retsu Unohana" thanks to her Kaid and medical techniques that she learns from Kirinji. Bleach's Biggest Mystery: Was Yachiru Kenpachi's Zanpakuto Spirit? Hollows Later, we see Yachiru follow Kenpachi wherever she goes and although she was quite carefree and childish, she seemed to be somewhat different, more serious, when Kenpachi was fighting in a serious or dangerous fight. This article is about Yachiru Kusajishi. Also, Yachiru directly translates to "8000 (sword) styles", referring to her mastery of countless styles of swordsmanship. Coyote Starrk/Lilynette Gingerbuck He is an enormous man with a crazed look in his eyes, regularly erupting into battle against any opponent he deems worthy of being killed with his blade. As for Nozarashi, it was the Zanpakuto of a dead Shinigami that Zaraki took the sword from. The only time I see him learning bankai is right before he dies, when he is fighting something with godly powers. Through training. ** Use in-universe knowledge, rules, and common sense to answer the questions. The pair reminisce about how they met and gained their names, resolving to get stronger together. White Charlotte Chuhlhourne Di Roy Rinker Being grabbed by Gremmy, Yachiru drops her sword. For Kenpachi she used words like, Traveler, Swordsman, Young man, and O-Itami, Which meant, 'the one in pain.' Attacking her on sight, the boy was able to injure her, causing the woman to once again enjoy fighting. Was it a coincidence? What would happen if an airplane climbed beyond its preset cruise altitude that the pilot set in the pressurization system? Now that you have the complete background, we can actually answer the question that has been bugging Bleach fans for more than a decade. Shkur Tsukishima Sternritter: G Koga The scabbard is cotton wrapped like the handle.. Save 52%! Loly Aivirrne Boruto: How Strong Is the Jogan Compared to the Three Great Dojutsu? Beside her identity as criminal, Captain Yamamoto sought her to be one of the co-founders of Gotei 13 and become the first "Kenpachi" or the captain of the 11th division. RELATED: Bleach: Yamamoto Genryuusai's Powerful Abilities, Explained. I picture his sword being something extremely weird, like a little boy that Kenpachi doesn't respect even when he sees him. He was conscious and practically talking to Yachiru when he went bankai. Luppi Antenor Anime & Manga Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for anime and manga fans. The sword has a pink Tsuka, a flower-shaped Tsuba, and a Saya held with a cord. Yachiru Unohana is particularly masterful in this art. She asks Kenpachi why hes down and says its pretty stupid of him not to have understood it yet: If he used her properly, hed be able to knock down any opponent. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. So its been a LONG time since i watch or read anything about bleach I dont remember this. Firstly, when Nozarashi reappears in Chapter 668, she performs feats Yachiru wasn't known to be capable of, including transferring spiritual energy into Kenpachi. Did the residents of Aneyoshi survive the 2011 tsunami thanks to the warnings of a stone marker? Are Yachiru and Nozarashi one and the same in, 15 Strongest Lieutenants in Bleach Ranked by Power. Nozarashi has incredible attack strength in its released condition and is capable of destroying a meteorite with a single blow. Since that day, she has spent much of her time clinging to his back for transport. Gin Ichimaru [17] As the execution ceremony of Rukia Kuchiki begins, she rushes on ahead to determine the situation. Nianzol Weizol He further imagines all the bones in her body being made of cookies. It should be noted in a great foreshadowing dispay by Kubo - In chapter 114, when Yachiru shows up - and he questions for her name - She does respond! Zangetsu, Kasumiji Clan & Associates He is a gigantic man with a crazed look in his eyes, often seen ready to battle any opponent who he considers as worthy of being killed with his blade. Kenpachi took his name because it means the strongest fighter. Demoura Zodd She mostly clings to her Captain Zaraki Kenpachis left shoulder. Bleach: Burchi (2004-2012): Season 2, Episode 16 - Zaraki Kenpachi, semaru! For the person Yachiru was named after, see Yachiru Unohana. Medazeppi God's Charm: a curse given to Zaraki Kenpachi as a lesson as well as a gift to help Zaraki Kenpachi with women's problems. What can be said for certain is that Kubo wants us to think that Kenpachi and Yachiru have a spiritual connection as well as a physical one, and if in fact she is Nozarashi, that would confirm it. Tenken Emilou Apacci But, during the Quincy War, Kenpachi managed to find out the name of its Zanpakut Nozarashi and used it to help the Shinigami defeat the invaders. She squealed in surprise, not at all expecting it as he moved her underneath him on the bed. [28], As Isane tries to figure out why Yachiru is bleeding, Guenael appears again and introduces himself for the second time. Riruka Dokugamine I use "original" because there might be extra chapters announced as the other big announcement. These individuals are usually surpassed in power only by the Captains. Arthur S. Poe is a writer based in Europe. The way Yachiru and the creatures work in tandem make her attacks very difficult to dodge at short range. Espada: Coyote Starrk/Lilynette Gingerbuck Possibility foreshadowed about Unohana true identity as "1st Kenpachi". Squad 11 Lieutenant Yachiru Kusajishi disappeared forever soon after her companion Kenpachi activated his Bankai. Short answer: Yachiru is with Kenpachi; as his Zanpakutou's personality. "Yeah, yeah, but quick question, what did Itachi have you . Jinnai Dko Kenpachi had already unconsciously suppressed his power and was not ready to hear its name at the time (beat Yachiru Kenpachi as a teenager which triggered the suppression, met the girl he named Yachiru as an adult). This character is voiced by Hisayo Mochizuki in the Japanese version and Dina Sherman in the English version. Her opponent, their Lieutenant was, for the longest time, a flower-shaped Tsuba, and sense! 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